Over 6000 people have been trained and certified by ICB Russia, with its members working in the largest state organisations such as Rosatom, Rostec, Russian Railways, Roscosmos, Rosseti, Lukoil, Gazprom and many others.
As of 12th of November 2020, holders of the ICFM Russia certificates are exempt from the theoretical and the practical parts of the Internal Controller and Internal Auditor professional standard examinations, approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.
Following this, on the 18th of January 2021, ICFM and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) agreed to the mutual recognition of Russian certificates.
Now holders of ICFM diplomas "Cost and Cost Accounting" and "Management Accounting and Decision Making" will be able to get an exemption from the CIMA P1 Exam "Operational Performance Management" in Russia and go straight to the CIMA P2 "Business Performance Management" exam.
In turn, graduates of the CIMA Certificate program in Business Performance Management will be eligible for exemptions from two ICFM exams . The CIMA diploma in Business Management in Russia will be counted as the equivalent of completing the Management Accounting and Decision Making program.
ICB Russia offers the following basic qualifications:
- Novice Bookkeeper
- Bookkeeper
- International Accounting Standards
ICFM Russia offers the following basic qualifications:
- 1 level PFM Qualification “Professional Financial Manager (PFM)”, Dip PFM
- 2 level СFM Qualifications “Certified Financial Manager (СFM)”, Dip CFM
- 3 level CFD Qualification “Certified Financial Director (CFD)”, Dip CFD
Additional programmes:
- Professional Internal Auditor Dip PIA
- Certified Professional Internal Auditor Dip CPIA